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Journal Publications

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  1. C. Coolidge, A. M. H. Alhadidi, W. Wang, and T. Tong. “Effects of Surfactant Properties on Pore Wetting of Membrane Distillation”, Journal of Membrane Science Letters, 4, 100077, 2024.
  2. W. Wang, H. Vahabi, A. Taassob, S. Pillai, and A. K. Kota. “On-Demand, Contact-Less and Loss-Less Droplet Manipulation via Contact Electrification”, Advanced Science, 11, 2308101, 2024.
  3. D. Xie, Y. Pu, N. D. Bryant, D. P. Harper, W. Wang, A. J. Ragauskas, and M. Li. “Synthesis of Bio-Based Repairable Polyimines with Tailored Properties by Lignin Fractionation”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12, 6606, 2024.
  4. P. S. Rible, M. A. Spinazzola III, R. E. Jones III, R. U Constantin, W. Wang, A. K. Dickerson. “Dynamic Drop Penetration of Horizontally Oriented Fiber Arrays”, Langmuir, 40, 13339, 2024.
  5. S. Movafaghi, S. Vallabhuneni, W. Wang, S. Jathar, and A. K. Arun. “Rapid and Onsite Detection of Fuel Adulteration”, Langmuir, 39, 9044, 2023.
  6. D. J. Sutherland, A. M. Rather, R. M. Sabino, S. Vallabhuneni, W. Wang, K. C. Popat, and A. K. Arun. “Hemp-Based Sustainable Slippery Surfaces: Icephobic and Antithrombotic Properties”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11, 2397, 2023.
  7. D. Xie, Y. Pu, X. Meng, N. D. Bryan, K. Zhang, W. Wang, A. J. Ragauskas, and M. Li. “Effect of the Lignin Structure on the Physicochemical Properties of Lignin-Grafted-Poly(ε-caprolactone) and Its Application for Water/Oil Separation”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10, 16882, 2022.
  8. X. Du, M. Alipanahrostami, W. Wang, and T. Tong. “Long-Chain PFASs-Free Omniphobic Membranes for Sustained Membrane Distillation”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 23808, 2022.
  9. W. Wang, J. Sun, S. Vallabhuneni, B. Pawlowki, H. Vahabi, K. Nellenbach, A. C. Brown, F. Scholle, J. Zhao, A. K. Kota. “On-Demand, Remote and Lossless Manipulation of Biofluid Droplets”, Materials Horizons, 9, 2863, 2022.
  10. H. Vahabi, S. Vallabhuneni, M. Hedayati, W. Wang, D. Krapf, M. J. Kipper, N. Miljkovic, A. K. Kota. “Designing Non-Textured, All-Solid, Slippery Hydrophilic Surfaces”, Matter, 5, 4502, 2022.
  11. R. B. Channon, R. F. Menger, W. Wang, D. B. Carrão, S. Vallabhuneni, A. K. Kota, and C. S. Henry. “Design and application of a self-pumping microfluidic staggered herringbone mixer”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 25, 1, 2021.
  12. C. Li, X. Li, X. Du, Y. Zhang, W. Wang, T. Tong, A. K. Kota, and J. Lee. “Elucidating the Trade-off between Membrane Wetting Resistance and Water Vapor Flux in Membrane Distillation”, Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 10333, 2020.
  13. A. Wu, H. Vahabi, H. Cha, S. Chavan, M. K. Kim, W. Wang, A. K. Kota, and N. Miljkovic. “Dropwise Condensation on Solid Hydrophilic Surfaces”, Science Advances, 6, eaax0746, 2020.
  14. W. Wang, X. Du, H. Vahabi, Y. Yin, A. K. Kota, and T. Tong. “Trade-off in membrane distillation with monolithic omniphobic membranes”, Nature Communications, 10, 3220, 2019.
  15. W. Wang, H. Vahabi, S. Movafaghi, and A. K. Kota. “Superomniphobic Surfaces with Improved Mechanical Durability: Synergy of Hierarchical Texture and Mechanical Interlocking”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6, 1900538, 2019.
  16. S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, D. Bark, L. P. Dasi, K. C. Popat, and A. K. Kota. “Hemocompatibility of Super-Repellent Surfaces: Current and Future”, Materials Horizons, 6, 1596, 2019.
  17. Y. Yin, W. Wang, A. K. Kota, S. Zhao, and T. Tong. “Elucidating Mechanisms of Silica Scaling in Membrane Distillation: Effects of Membrane Surface Wettability”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5, 2004, 2019.
  18. S. Movafaghi, M. D. Cackovic, W. Wang, H. Vahabi, A. Pendurthi, C. S. Henry, and A. K. Kota. “Superomniphobic Papers for On-Paper pH Sensors”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6, 1900232, 2019.
  19. H. Vahabi, W. Wang, J. M. Mabry, and A. K. Kota. “Coalescence-Induced Jumping of Droplets on Superomniphobic Surfaces with Macrotexture”, Science Advances, 4, eaau3488, 2018.
  20. Y. Liu, L. Q. Ma, W. Wang, A. K. Kota, and H. Hu. “An Experimental Study on Soft PDMS Materials for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Applied Surface Science, 447, 599, 2018.
  21. S. Vallabhuneni, S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, and A. K. Kota. “Superhydrophobic Coatings for Improved Performance of Electrical Insulators”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 303, 1800313, 2018.
  22. W. Wang, J. Salazar, H. Vahabi, A. Joshi-Imre, W. E. Voit, and A. K. Kota. “Metamorphic Superomniphobic Surfaces”, Advanced Materials, 29, 1700295, 2017.
  23. H. Vahabi, W. Wang, S. Davies, J. M. Mabry, and A. K. Kota. “Coalescence Induced Self-Propulsion of Droplets on Superomniphobic Surfaces”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 29328, 2017.
  24. H. Vahabi, W. Wang, G. Kwon, K. C. Popat, T. B. Holland, and A. K. Kota. “Metallic Superhydrophobic Surfaces via Thermal Sensitization”, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 251602, 2017.
  25. A. Pendurthi, S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, S. Shadman, A. P. Yalin, and A. K. Kota. “Fabrication of Nanostructured Omniphobic and Superomniphobic Surfaces with Inexpensive CO2 Laser Engraver”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 25656, 2017.
  26. W. Wang, K. Lockwood, L. M. Boyd, M. D. Davidson, S. Movafaghi, H. Vahabi, S. R. Khetani, and A. K. Kota. “Superhydrophobic Coatings with Edible Materials”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 18664, 2016.
  27. D. Beemer, W. Wang, and A. K. Kota. “Durable Gels with Ultra-low Adhesion to Ice”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 18253, 2016.
  28. S. Movafaghi, V. Leszczak, W. Wang, J. A. Sorkin, L. P. Dasi, K. C. Popat, and A. K. Kota. “Hemocompatibility of Superhemophobic Titania Surfaces”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6, 1600717, 2016.
  29. H. Vahabi, W. Wang, S. Movafaghi, and A. K. Kota. “Free-Standing, Flexible, Superomniphobic Films”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 21962, 2016.
  30. S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, A. Metzger, D. D. Williams, J. D. Williams, and A. K. Kota. “Tunable Superomniphobic Surfaces for Sorting Droplets by Surface Tension”, Lab on a Chip, 16, 3204, 2016.
  31. S. Mina, W. Wang, Q. F. Cao, P. Huang, B. T. Murray, and G. Mahler. “Shear Stress Magnitude and Transforming Growth Factor-eta 1 Regulate Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transformation in a Three-dimensional Culture Microfluidic Device”, RSC Advances, 6, 85457, 2016.
  32. W. Wang and P. Huang. “Hybrid Algorithm for Extracting Accurate Tracer Position Distribution in Evanescent Wave Nano-Velocimetry”, Experiments in Fluids, 57, 27, 2016.
  33. W. Wang and P. Huang. “Anisotropic Mobility of Particles near the Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids”, Physics of Fluids, 26, 092003, 2014.
  34. Z. Hu, V. S. Khadka, W. Wang, D. W. Galipeau, and X. Z. Yan. “Theoretical Study of Two-photon Absorption Properties and Up-Conversion Efficiency of New Symmetric Organic-Conjugated Molecules for Photovoltaic Devices”, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 18, 3657, 2012.
  35. W. Wang, J. S. Guasto, and P. Huang. “Measurement Bias in Evanescent Wave Nano-velocimetry due to Tracer Size Variations”, Experiments in Fluids, 51, 1685, 2011.
  36. Z. Hu, W. Wang, V. S. Khadka, D. W. Galipeau, and X. Z. Yan. “Quantum Mechanical Modeling and Calculation of Two-Photon Absorption Properties of New Class Λ Shaped Conjugated Molecules”, Molecular Simulation, 37, 431, 2011.